Saturday, March 18, 2023

Book: Does God Send Sickness?


Many Biblical passages appear to make God the direct cause of sickness. This book looks at these difficult passages in light of the permissive idiom of the Hebrew language, demonstrating that sickness does not come from Him.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

God’s Promises for Breakthrough (Part 1)

In Micah 2:13 God is called "the Breaker." Another translation refers to Him as "The one who can break through barriers." There are often things hindering the fulfillment of God's promised blessings. These lessons will show you how to believe God to break through them. Visit for more teaching material and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Permissive Sense: Clearing Up Bible Difficulties

Does God harden hearts? Deceived prophets? Inflict sickness? Create evil? Such statements have presented insurmountable difficulties to Bible readers. This book removes those difficulties. 

Available to purchase in two formats:

Monday, March 6, 2023

Book: Understanding Hebrew Idiomatic & Figurative Language

Understanding Hebrew Idiomatic & Figurative Language
To Vindicate the Loving Character of God

Portrayals of God, when examined from the perspective of the ANE culture from which Scripture was written, give us a truly stunning image of the God who is exactly like Jesus.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Book: Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation by Robert Young


“Hints and Helps to Bible Interpretation” was in Dr. Robert Young’s 1879 Analytical Concordance. Now a “stand alone” book with insights on the “Permissive Sense”